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Redshift permissions

In Redshift, permissions are used to control who can perform certain actions on different database objects. Use SQL statements to manage permissions in a Redshift database.

Example Redshift permissions

The following example provides you with the SQL statements you can use to manage permissions.

Note that database_name, database.schema_name, and user_name are placeholders and you can replace them as needed for your organization's naming convention.

grant create schema on database database_name to user_name;
grant usage on schema database.schema_name to user_name;
grant create table on schema database.schema_name to user_name;
grant create view on schema database.schema_name to user_name;
grant usage on all schemas in database database_name to user_name;
grant select on all tables in database database_name to user_name;
grant select on all views in database database_name to user_name;

To connect to the database, confirm with an admin that your user role or group has been added to the database.

Check out the official documentation for more information.
